Day 10, January 17, 2023


Free Delivery and No Hidden Costs

A Reminder that Jesus Paid it All



1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all.


Thought for Today

God sees and honors your faithfulness during this time of prayer and fasting. He takes you to deeper levels with each passing day. You look forward to more profound revelation as these days go by. Let’s pause today to reflect upon why are you allowed to have such intimate access to God. This blessing is only available because of God’s gift of life – the Gospel found in Jesus Christ. 

Do you enjoy giving presents to others? Think about the recent holiday season. If you shopped for gifts, you probably purchased them from retail stores that offered free delivery. Perhaps you canceled an order upon discovering the merchant included hidden fees to offset the no-cost delivery. In the end, you paid the price for the merchandise and freely gave it to the intended recipient.

Think about how carefully you shopped for the people you love the most. You were not worried about the price of the gift. You gladly paid whatever it cost to show your love. Your goal was to give them something they wanted or needed. 

Compare the earthly endowment in this analogy to the sacrificial gift from your Heavenly Father (Matthew 7:11). He exchanged His only Son’s life for yours. There will never exist a gift at greater cost. 

God offers eternal life to everyone because He desires salvation for all of mankind (1 Timothy 2:1-7). He does not keep hidden what it takes to receive redemption. Countless scriptures reveal the road to salvation. Read the outcry of Apostle Paul to the unsaved in the 10th chapter of Romans for an example. In verse 9 He makes the truth of the matter clear:

 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine

heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Not everyone is willing to receive what Jesus freely gave. Some people allow pride to prevent them from accepting that deliverance comes through Him and not their works. Only the haughtiest person would try to take credit for the generosity of another. Would you ever consider letting someone else put their name on the tag attached to a gift you bought?

Likewise, God ensured that no one is allowed to brag that anything they have done is enough to take on the world’s sins. He sealed salvation in the blood of the Savior.

Other people are like Simon, the sorcerer mentioned in Acts chapter eight. He believed that he could buy the workings of the Holy Spirit. In addition, millions see themselves as too intelligent or highly esteemed to attain eternal life by the only means available. They are obsessed with their status in life. The blessings of seemingly insignificant Christians confounds them (1 Corinthians 1:27).

You receive assured blessings each day – far too many to count. Be intentional in showing your gratitude to God. Search scriptures to remind you of His deliverance from troubles which include affliction and the hand of the wicked (Psalm 97:10). Most importantly, remember that He delivered you from the bondage of sin and death (Romans 6:11-23).

When you chose Christ, you inherited eternal fullness of life. Death no longer has the victory in your life. You and your loved ones do not fear its sting (1 Corinthians 15:54). Rather, death is merely the ending of a chapter in the book of your existence. You will never die (John 11:25-26). You may look forward with confidence to your final destination in the presence of the Lord forever (2 Corinthians 5:8).

You’ve come this far by faith. May you be uplifted and strengthened during your season of consecration as you re-examine the precious treasures found in Jesus.


Time to Pray! 

Our Father God, thank you for this needed time to remember Your most precious gift. Accept our heartfelt and humble gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus. Thank You for teaching us to show appreciation by glorifying You in our bodies and spirits. Allow us to reach people who do not yet know the wonders of Christ that last forever. In the name of Jesus…Amen 

2 Responses to “Day 10, January 17, 2023”

  1. Mark Collier says:

    Thank you God for the unmerited favor each believer receives by the ultimate sacrifice by our savior Jesus Christ. Amen

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