Day 3, January 12



Is Anybody Home?


Scripture: Revelation 3:20

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”


Thought for Today:

Have you ever gone to someone’s home and seen cars in the driveway, seen lights on, rang the doorbell repeatedly but no one answered the door? Chances are you peeked through several windows, walked to a side door attempting to get the attention of the people you were there to visit. But no one responded. At some point, you probably yelled “Is anybody home?” This scenario illustrates the way Jesus feels when we are indifferent toward Him. Yes, we once confessed faith in Him as Savior, and received the ‘new birth’ that He gave through salvation. Yes, we were ‘hot’ with a desire to learn of Him and become a disciple of His. But the issues of life ‘cooled’ our passion.


In Revelation 3, John the Apostle writes the words that Jesus had spoken concerning the Laodicean church. He describes that He sees their works and that their works are lukewarm (neither cold nor hot). A church that had once been ‘hot’ for Jesus had cooled off and was now ‘lukewarm.’ Because of this,  He tells them that He will literally spit them out of His mouth. He expressed a deep love for them and called them to be zealous and repent (v. 19). In verse 20, Jesus declared to them “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” In this powerful declaration, He expresses that the Laodicean church has left Him out and because of His love for them, He is standing and knocking at their door to enter in. He pleads that if anyone hears and opens the door to Him, He will enter and dine (have fellowship) with them. 


Have you become ‘lukewarm’ toward Jesus? He is standing and knock at the door to your heart. Is anybody home? Will you open the door to your Savior and allow Him to become Lord of your life?


It’s Time to Pray: Lord Jesus, I confess that my heart and my life have become ‘lukewarm’ and indifferent toward you. I repent of my ‘lukewarmness’ and ask you to forgive me. I hear you knocking at the door of my heart and I open the door. Please come in my Lord and Savior. I welcome you…


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